Personal Loan (Under Non Priority Sector) :

  1. Purpose of the Loan : For any purpose like marriage expenses of self, children , Medical expenses to be incurred for self, spouse , children , dependent , for repair renovation of existing house/ Flat , for education of children , for purchase of Consumer durable items , Repayment of existing housing loan for any source .
  2. Target Groups : Any individuals.
  3. Eligibility : Salaried employees, Professionals and individuals with high net worth, regular pensioners drawing monthly pensions, staff member of the Bank including retired employees.
  4. Age of Borrower : 18 to 65 Years .
  5. Type of Advance : Term Loan.
  6. Quantum Of Advance : Maximum ₹5.00 Lakhs or Working and Non-Working person 12 times of monthly net take home salary of the self/ spouse . In respect of Professionals and other 60% of gross annual income as per last 2 years of IT Returns whichever is less .
  7. Margin of the Loan : 10% .
  8. Rate of Interest : @16.00% P.A. in general.
  9. Repayment : Maximum 48 nos of EMI.
  10. Primary : Salary / Pension Undertaking .
  11. Additional: @15% of liquid security in the name of applicant in general but in case of existing staff no liquid security required .
  12. Two personal Guarantee having sufficient net worth.
  13. Linking Share : @5% of the loan amount.
  14. Process Fees : @ 1% of the loan amount.
  15. Disbursement : Disbursement through saving account of the applicant .

Document to be Need :