Pigmy Deposit
Opening Pigmy Deposit Account :
This deposit scheme suits the needs of everyone viz. businessmen, professionals, wage earners, teachers, salaried personnel, traders, housewives etc. You can save money with the Bank regularly depending on your convenience. And you need not visit the Bank for doing so. The Bank’s authorised Agent collects your savings at your doorsteps at regular intervals. And your money silently grows into a lump sum for meeting your future commitments e.g. daughter’s marriage, children’s education, family functions, house purchase etc.
- Any person or persons approved by the Bank.
- Co-operative Societies, Registered Trust, Institutions and Associations.
- By two or more persons in their joint names.
- By a natural guardian i.e. father or mother approved by the bank on behalf of a minor
- INTEREST : Interest will be paid on the deposits at the rates in force as per the Reserve Bank’s directive from time to time. Interest amount will be paid at the time of maturity.
- LOAN : Loan Against Bank’s Pigmy Deposit is available with adquete margin.
Document to be Need :
- Address Proof
- Identity Proof
- One Photograph
DICGC: The Deposit Insurance System in India is subject to the Provisions of Deposit Insurance Act (enacted in 1961). Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (Wholly owned subsidiary of the Reserve Bank of India) is the body that operates the deposit insurance system.
- Notification